Thursday, February 15, 2018

The Unwanted Visitor Is Here!!!

I was trying so hard to get my 1st page done on my Black Wolf but the fro came for a visit and it is so persistent not wanting to leave! ૬😣 After I stitched in 275 stitches I find that I was off by one stitch.  The error is in the bottom left on the green and blue section.  So I am now ripping it out.  I wanted so bad to just put it away and go on to another WIP but if I did that I would probably never pick it up again.  Hopefully get back to my Sals this weekend. Here is my last update and my new update.

So I need to take out 115 stitches tonight.  While I do that I am going to treat myself with a new cup of mocha coffee with this new creamer.  Yummy!!!!!

Happy Stitching everyone!


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