Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Little Behind At The Moment!!

Well, I am still staying with the 100 Stitch Challange but am a little behind at the moment!  Hope all the fathers had a very Happy Father's Day! Here are my updates............

On Frederick I have a total of 4749 stitches done.  As of today I have put in 819 stitches for June.  In the Cocker Spanials I have put in a total of 2382 stitches and as of today I have put in 689 stitches.  So that means I have stitched 1508 stitches so far this month.  I need to catch-up, lol! I am behind 792 stitches this month.
Hope everyone is getting lots of stitching done this week : )

4 comments: said...

Both are very beautiful stitching, I love both! And a stitch less is not so bad, next time you are surely more;) The principal is that you enjoy it, I think it's a very nice progress!
Have a nice weekend...

Nick said...

Both piece are coming along really nicely! I like that little fish shaped fishing lure thing above Frederick.

Karan said...

Great progress on both your pieces. :0) Sorry to hear about Milo - hope you manage to get things under control soon.

CreativeStitch said...

Thanks so much!