Sunday, December 11, 2011

Want to wish all Happy Holidays!!

I have been soooo busy with work, it is crazy this time of year!  I have been visiting my grandsons.  Now getting ready for our annual Christmas party at my house.  It is also going to be a going away party for my daughter Kristina, her husband Andrew and my little grandson Connor.  Andrew is going to be stationed in Virginia for three years!  I will be visiting in the Summers but I am not happy about this.  But Andrew will be deployed on the new nucleor sub that should be finished in 2013.  He will be on the sub in 2013 and will visit iting all the subbases around the world.  So it will be exciting  for him.  I will miss them all so I have not had much time to stitch so I do not have an update.
Here is a photo of my last years tree.  Will update with my 2011 party soon.

Here is my little man Connor!  How adorable!!! I decided since I have no stitching updates I would upload a few of Connor.  He is such a sweetheart!
Happy Holidays Everyone!!!


SoCal Debbie said...

Your tree is very pretty. Connor is adorable and I'm sure you will miss him! I also moved away from my parents when my husband was in the military and our baby was 2 months old. They didn't get to visit until 2 years later. Have a great Christmas party!

mdgtjulie said...

What a cutie Marie. He's adorable.